When I was a child I had a dream that when I grew up I'd live in a small community on a remote island. The houses would be scattered around the hills and valleys overlooking the sea. I would live in a small cove known by the locals as "Courage Cove", and I would be known as Kris of Courage Cove. Since then I've had the great fortune to spend 23 summers working in the outdoors; first as a driller, then an archaeologist, then a kayak guide and naturalist. I lived mainly out of tents and weatherports, but also in old fishing cottages, miner's shacks, shipping containers, and even a semi-subterranean pit house. I've always written, mainly for myself, as a process of understanding my life and of figuring out my "issues". Most of what I've written has gone unshared in spite of encouragement from friends and family. But I guess that's about to change. This blog is a place where you can find out what's been on my mind, and feel free to make up your own story about who I am.
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